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What is Hotjar?

Hotjar offers a unique analytics approach that goes beyond traditional metrics to answer the 'why' behind user behavior on websites. Trusted by over 1.2 million websites worldwide, Hotjar provides a suite of tools that work in harmony to enhance user experience and website performance. Its heatmaps feature allows teams to see which parts of a webpage are most engaging and which are overlooked, guiding improvements with confidence. Real user session recordings offer a clear view of user interactions, identifying areas of friction and conversion barriers. In addition to these visualization tools, Hotjar’s feedback and survey features enable direct communication with users. These tools gather insights on user preferences and pain points, aiding in making informed, customer-centric decisions. Moreover, Hotjar facilitates one-on-one user interviews to test and refine prototypes, accelerating the iteration process. With Hotjar, teams can identify high-impact changes, spot problems with customer experience, and prioritize meaningful modifications. This comprehensive approach to user analytics and feedback makes Hotjar an essential tool for businesses looking to optimize their online presence and understand their users more deeply.

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